Professor Carlos Lopes
Para mais:
África e Europa estão numa encruzilhada. Com várias estruturas-chave que governam sua parceria sendo alteradas em ritmo acelerado, o palco está montado para que eles identifiquem, entendam e superem o autoengano que moldou suas relações. Os principais atores dos dois continentes têm a oportunidade de reafirmar o que foi dito pelos respectivos líderes da região em 2017: que sua parceria deve ser construída sobre um “espírito de propriedade compartilhada, responsabilidade, reciprocidade, respeito e responsabilidade mútua e transparência”.
Muito do que aconteceu recentemente – desde os impactos agravantes das alterações climáticas, a crise financeira de 2008-2009, aos desafios macroeconómicos resultantes de uma pandemia e as consequências da Guerra na Ucrânia – agrava a marginalização de África, confirmando a necessidade de um mudança de abordagem. A sombra colonial, ainda marcando a mentalidade dos negociadores em ambos os lados, está prendendo-os no passado enquanto ignora as muitas oportunidades do futuro.
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welcome everyone to today’s uh event um thank you for braving the heats about 30
degrees here in oxford which sort of never happens um but um it’s it’s my great pleasure to
welcome my friend and colleague uh professor carol carlos is
um he has a very distinguished career as a un uh career official he was until
recently un high representative of the uh sorry um high representative of the
african union commission and in particular uh high representative to the eu and eu relations he was also a
very influential executive secretary of the united nations economic commission for africa
between 2011 and 2015 amongst many many
distinguished aspects of his career carlos is now a professor at the nelson mandela school
of public governance at the university of cape town he’s also a visiting professor at sean’s pool and he’s a
member of several boards the geneva graduate institute the world resources institute the africa leadership
institute and the african climate foundation amongst others um he’s a widely
published um african intellectual in in portuguese and in french and english and really has
a pan-african presence and many of the most important debates about african economics about african political
economy and the future of african development so it’s a an honor and a privilege to have carlos with us he’s
been a visiting fellow here at the oxford martin school for the past month or so
today’s uh lecture uh will be uh on the subject is very dear to
carlos’s concerns uh the future of african eu relations
knowing not only that carlos has been privy to many of the dynamics in this relationship but also
no doubt knowledgeable about the problems i would even argue the
dysfunctions of africa eu relations whether it’s the consequences of the
2008-2009 um financial crisis more recently
the turmoil that the war in ukraine has entailed from the point of view of uh
african economies and we’re probably still at at the beginning of a very very serious
long-term uh uh disruption to african economies from uh that there will be the consequences of
this war notably on on the food front um to many other uh dynamics more recently
the i would say frustrating highly disappointing uh eu africa summit that
happened earlier in the year that had been long postponed about which there were
lots of hopes and in the end not much consequential came out of that summit so uh and i’m not
even going to get into the many regional uh crisis notably this alien crisis but
also the horn of africa situation with the ethiopian war that have deep impacts
on the eu-africa relationship these are some of the most important dynamics that are
the backdrop to carlos’s uh lecture today so without further ado
carlos i would ask you to go to to the stage and uh present your your lecture
thank you
thank you ricardo it’s really a pleasure to be back at oxford marketing school i
want to acknowledge the presence of charles here the director of the school
i’ve been very happy in my two previous visits so i hope to make this one as
productive as the previous ones i’m writing a book about europe africa relations and
the reason for the book stems from the fact that i’ve been quite involved over the last
three years in the negotiations between african europe in a number of fronts
as african union high representative
for the partnerships with europe i’ve seen firsthand how
there is a buildup of attitude of self-deceit
where there is a distance and the discrepancy between what people proclaim and say
and what really they believe and this gap is widening
and it’s creating a cynicism in the relationship that is very difficult to overcome so we are seeing
the dimensions of a symmetry becoming more pronounced and yet at the same time
we have the feeling that you know the language goes in the opposite direction everybody talking about equal
partnership and partnership of equals etc so to try to understand this gap
we have to go back into a certain number of very important dimensions that i hope to be able to entice you to
follow with me today my key arguments
that i’m going to just uh develop in about half an hour is that
african-europe relations are marked not only by self-deceit as i have mentioned
but with an entrenched colonial heritage and mindset and this is not really an
ideological position i want to understand the the real
reasons why i believe it is so and i’m going to develop them in a minute
and because of that colonial heritage and mindset we have an economic marginalization
that has been basically entrenched in the concept of
commodities dependency so in fact the colonial model
is the model of extracting commodities to export and that model i will argue has not
changed so in six decades we are still exactly with the same model
of extracting commodities for exports without transformation or at least deep transformation of the
economies of of the african countries and part of the reason why we are stuck
in that type of dependency is due to the interpretation that has been
made of the theory of comparative advantages and it’s a very
well-known economic theory and i will argue that it has been
interpreted in a flawed way because of the
the the the the way because of the uh arguments that have been used to
justify uh african economies continue to be stuck with the commodities dependence
so we have because of that seen successful waves of productive systems transformation mostly through
industrialization and all of them seem to be bypassing africa
and there is this perennial attitude that maybe the continent is
never ready for uh accelerated industrialization process so
it will be important for us to understand why there is such a
feeling why there is such uh a perception and whether it is true or not so we’ll
see with some data that probably there are some elements that we need to bear in mind
and if africa does not industrialize sufficiently it does not modernize its
economic economic transactions it doesn’t have a integration of some of its
production systems in the global value chains so it becomes a bit of a
vulnerable actor in the overall global economy and this as uh
to a large extent a very heavy responsibility in europe
and the reason why i believe so is because historically and through the way development aid
entrance regimes have been implemented they have
limited the policy space for africa to basically try another way
and to be able uh to fly like the other geese to use the metaphor that the
economists like very much african europe relations because of that have been asymmetric
they are becoming even more so despite of the talk and the pandemic has been a very good
demonstration of this asymmetry in the way we dealt with the vaccines but even before the vaccines
with the different requirements of the pandemic response and
importantly also for us to look into how the discussions about climate are
exacerbating this symmetry and these are sort of the debates of today and they
are going to position the global system to respond to the
challenges of the future so we have instead a focus uh on on migration as if this
was the most important relationship with africa and a focus
on the china or chinese presence in africa as if that was the defining
element of africa’s partnerships and relations with the rest of the world so it would be interesting for us to try to
understand why there is such a fixation in these two and whether there is really
a reason for us to be concerned about these two elements or whether it is a bit of an exaggeration
and is curtailing yet again the possibilities for africa to move forward
and be able to transform their economies so my my final conclusion is going to be
that we are living in in a world where because of the security
concerns and you know you saw the war in ukraine impacts uh
exacerbating such perceptions are are pushing the relationship between
african europe into a corner and are blinding the possibility of really using
uh this historical partnership or historical relations in a
more productive way both sides so i call uh this uh syndrome of the
colonial uh uh the colonial perceptions of africa
the the mercator syndrome you see the the mercator was the the
the map of the world conceived in the 16th century
where basically the equator was shrunk
in terms of the dimensions of the land size of the different continents and
you end up with a map where you know greenland for instance is 14 times
smaller than africa looks the same size as africa and so on and so forth so it was a distortion
now this distortion was absolutely acceptable at that time because of the
lack of a certain number of scientific elements but it has since been corrected many times over by projections that
correspond to the real landmass of the various continents and this is
very well known by scholars and academics is no longer a debate but still if you go into google maps
they are still using marketer projection so why is that so
you know i claim that this is because of comfort there is a certain vision of the world
this is just a metaphor of that because it’s not only in geography it will be
present in history it will be present in many ways it builds the stigma
that is based on the comfort of what we already know are used to accustomed to
and therefore we don’t we don’t want to open our eyes to see a different reality so africa will
always be seen the way it is comfortable and the way it is comfortable is that it is very small
in relation to its true size so you have here just a comparison of africa with different
large countries the most impactful is of course russia that we always see in the
market projections as almost one third of the world and in fact you know it’s maybe one third of africa
and this is not the perception we have and it is important just because of this
challenging of perceptions for us to be able to understand that africa is very
different from the perceptions that we are comfortable with but more importantly is
to to to make the point about the colonial uh
dependency in commodities still being present it’s just you know take a snapshot of
the last uh uh two decades and you will see or three decades and you will see that you know
the the manufactured goods which is your green in this scales
uh in the composition of gdp continues to be extremely small and most of the
exports from africa this is about exports to the rest of the world are basically commodities so this was
exactly the same picture before the independence of the african countries
so how come you know after all these periods of transformation that occurred in the
world and particularly with all the very important
presence of development aid we are still exactly in the same place
well partly because it is comfortable again
so here you have an example of it this is the chocolate value chain where you can see that africa’s share of
the total global cocoa production is 70 but africa’s value capture
of this value chain is six to seven percent so people are used to this and this is
just one example one illustration so why why why change uh something that you know it’s
basically transferring the potential that commodities provide
to other parts of the world so you export basically you export value and you export jobs and you import
unemployment and you import vulnerability that’s that’s what we get with
every value chain that you associate with every single commodity
that you pick in africa so you could for instance pick
bauxite which is very important for the future because of aluminium being essential for
the new forms of mobility and again you will have the same story
you have 60 dollars per ton that are paid for box site
in in africa and just the first level of transformation with this aluminium has
already a value of 2 754 dollars that is
basically transformed elsewhere but not in africa what do you need to transform bauxite in
aluminium it’s basically you need water and you need electricity one of the largest producers of bauxite
in the world is guinea conakry guinea conakry is known for having incredible
eye drop potential and yet you know you part of the production goes all the way to iceland
to be transformed and the guinea conakry receives sixty percent
sixty dollars per ton uh instead of two thousand seven hundred fifty four if it had access
to its hydro resources transforming into electricity and i’m mentioning hydro
because on top of it is a renewable energy so you can you can have
uh several examples of these global value chains and the the the main argument is to say well
each time that you discuss the prospects of an african country you normally apply
like you do for most countries in the world the theory of comparative advantages the theory of
comparative advantage is basically uh the theory that david ricardo
developed and that all economists study and they
they normally say that comparative advantages in different industries uh apply a different uh
differently uh they can be related to natural resources advantages they can be related
to labor advantages it can be government investments and regulation can be other
factors but basically you can construct uh part of your comparative advantages
you you don’t need to be uh hostage of just what the nature
provides you and what has been the problem with africa is this interpretation of the
theory of comparative advantages if it was a calamity that you cannot get out
of because everybody will first and foremost uh pretend that the fortunes of
each african country is the kind of natural resources it possesses so
why do we move from the static interpretation of comparative advantage
theory into the dynamic comparative advantages interpretation which most
countries in asia did more recently and obviously others did before
is is the crux of the matter and if you if you look into how different regions of the world have
evolved in terms of industrializing and this is just one indicator that captures the essence of it the manufacturing
value addition industrialization is not only about manufacturing but manufacturing is sort of the one that
creates most jobs and the ones that reflect a certain level of
movement from low to higher productivity so you can see that africa uh
sub-saharan african countries is the the the curve that is uh the uh the the the least performance uh in
in the in in these two decades into the these last two decades and the picture
continues to be uh more or less the same because you know the levels of manufacturing value edition in africa
are very much dependent on the capacity for us to change
the interpretation of comparative advantage theory so if you if you were looking into
for instance where the investments are going when they come to africa this is a very difficult uh
table for you to to follow but i just wanted to put it there to you know basically to to to mention that
there is an acknowledge base that allows us to know that where
the investment is going from a sectoral point of view and the bulk of the investment is going to extractive
industries and to other commodities so you have very little appetite for moving
out of this scheme if you look into the financial flows in general it will be
also a story that is very much the same as during the colonial times
where the capital flight is more important than the development aid
and it’s more important than the foreign direct investment it’s more important than portfolio
investment so you you could just by accumulation say that africa is
a net exporter of capital it’s not important of capital and you know not to mention illicit
dimensions of these flows which makes the picture even worse and normally what you hear about
the financial situation on africa is the debt you know africa has a lot of debt is trapped in debts well in fact you
know the totality of african debt is 726 billion dollars as of last year just to
give you an idea this is less this is less than the sovereign debt of netherlands and
belgium combined so you are talking about the entire continent six years after independence
of most of the african countries uh being considered as in a debt trap
with a debt that is equivalent to uh netherlands and belgium why is that so
because of the financial system and the way it works because of the guarantees the risk assessments and because africa is
trapped in the commodity dependence so that’s one of the reasons you will have a tax
base that is very volatile and that does not you know capture all the economic
activity because the levels of formalization are very low and as a result you know they create this
impression that africa is really in that but when you look into the death of the world sovereign death of the world
which this uh pictorial gives you uh in terms of color-coded you know with
the 100 percent or above gdp is the red and then you know as you move
into lighter colors you have less gdp percentage of that
ratios you will see that the african countries not only are mostly the ones that are in the lighter colors
but they are in the out outward part of the circle which basically means
that in terms of their importance the size of their debts they are minuscule
but that’s not the impression we have so if we reproduce the system that exists
without challenging it of course we are going to get the same results and that’s exactly what we get in terms
of capital flight and that’s why you know we need a different perspective in
terms of what can change this picture and i think one of the reasons why it is
important to change this picture is because we need to understand that the world is moving into the direction of
a different concept of productivity and this different concept of productivity is is going to create
security dimensions for the value chains so it’s no longer possible just to discuss the value
chains in terms of where do you produce the least costly product it’s going to be where you produce the
least cost costing product taking into account your security
uh of of supply and your security politically speaking so uh the the words that are
fashionable these days is that you need to do re-showing onshoring near-shoring which is
basically bringing the production closer to you bringing the value chains closer to your
control and when you try to interpret what this means in practical terms basically it
means bringing the security dimensions into the question so we’ll have to
reinterpret the idea of productivity to to to bear in mind the security dimensions and that says
this has far reaching implications for the supply chains it changes the logistics completely
and we have seen the beginnings of it during the pandemic we are seeing the sort of acceleration of those phenomena
during the uh uh the the the responses for the war in
ukraine and the more we go in that direction i will claim the more we are isolating
africa further hence the need for us to address this asymmetry in a very uh
active manner so what has happened during the negotiations what has happened during the
negotiations between africa and europe has been an attempt to try to change the
rules of trade and try to change the rules of trade in the name of introducing a certain number
of climate related concerns so if you have green deals that
are being established in most european countries and at the level of the european union
you would expect that these green deals are going to help the climate transition
but by doing so you can also exacerbate
uh the isolation of countries that have contributed the least for the climate change impacts which are
the african countries only four percent of the emissions uh and that are suffering the most
so they have the most loss and damage from the the climate change you can argue the reason why they are in
that situation of contributing the least is because they didn’t industrialize
and they have the most damage because basically they are suffering from the
structures that allowed others to develop to enrich
with emissions therefore the africans have a carbon credit
and this carbon credit has to be translated into a negotiation where those who have
a carbon debt should pay for that debt towards the ones that have the credit
and this would be a rebalancing of the discussion and the the practicalities of
this is to try to see in each and every text that is negotiated between africans
and europeans how you avoid the change of rules of trade done only laterally by obviously
the european side because it’s an asymmetric relationship so let’s take just one example you have
the carbon border adjustment mechanism in principle it is a very
good idea that you tax carbon intensity for the products you import you are
going to discipline your market your consumers by charging for an x uh an excess of
carbon that is associated with certain types of production but then if you do this
for a continent that is you know a very large trading
partner of europe and you don’t take into account that
most of what they export are commodities that can be classified as carbon intensive
and they have industries and enterprises that may export slightly
more than you could expect in in today’s in current terms
by increasing a bit their manufacturing value addition but they will not have the certification to prove
that they are immune from carbon intensity or a certain levels of carbon
intensity you are going to penalize them dearly because they are going to pay a tax
for their exports that as that’s basically going to allow the european countries to have a subsidy
to allow their enterprises and allow their
businesses to adjust to the climate so you you don’t have a level playing
field anymore you are not anymore in the principle of a liberal interpretation of
trade that goes in the direction of everybody you know has the same
rules applying across the board because you are introducing one very disguised
form of protectionism which is exactly what the comparative advantages theory
contests you can do in the long run because you know if you just if you just
protect artificially you are not going to benefit from all the advantages
of you know your market becoming competitive so instead of having this type of
discussions when we sit with europeans in the african side they want to discuss
migration mostly and all the other dimensions are about aid
and how we are going to give aid to support program a program b program c so
let’s look into the migration the africans are very small proportion of migrants in the
world if you look into the other contingents and this is the graphic
people that migrated from their continent to other continents uh in the last years you can see that
europeans migrate much more than the africans and that’s not the perception that most people have
and when actually africans normally migrate they like to migrate inside africa
so most of the africans migrate inside the continent about 21 million
and then you have and this is the stock it’s not annual this is the stock and then you have
about 11 million that go to europe stock and five million that go to the
middle east and so forth so that’s not the perception that normally we have so we just change this
discussion we have also to challenge the view that africans have
gone into a demographic transition that is going to create a problem for the world in fact fertility rates in africa
are going down like in most parts of the world it’s just that they are coming to that stage
of reduction of fertility uh
after all the others so as late comers so here you have some examples of countries that are already going into a
reduction of their fertility rate uh important countries you have basically three slices of africa one
that is attaining the peak another one that is getting out of the peak and others that are accelerating their
fertility reduction so we it’s it it is a much more complex debate and we are
obliged to look into demographics with a much more uh sort of
clear mind because we have been influenced again by stigma and and this idea that
africans are invading and during the pandemic the response
exposed most of the things that i’m saying uh you you remember how the
the the joining the q syndrome and the vaccine nationalism as it was called
became quite prominent here you have just one example of what the situation looks like right now
just right now so you have 4.1 doses per person in most
of the richer countries and i think you know in most of the european countries
you have even stocks uh that are way above the totality of
the population and then in africa we have a 0.5 north 0.5 doses per person
which tells you how this asymmetry is accelerating um and a lot a lot could be said about
the changes that we need to introduce i think the most important debate right now is about intellectual property
because the values uh are shifting more and more into intellectual property
uh that’s why the tech intensity it becomes so prominent and this movement towards intellectual
property uh it looks from the those who defend the current
regimes as unavoidable but in fact you know i just picked this uh article as an
example this is an editorial of the new york times it’s not about europe it’s about america uh denouncing
that the patent system has become absolutely ridiculous and just a way of protecting fraud
uh so it’s not something that we shouldn’t touch on the contrary and why is this important this is important
because you know if you put all the value of uh intellectual property in the current
global value chains you will see that it represents the bulk of the value and
that’s why you have that example like the chocolate value chain it’s about design it’s about
you know registering trademarks it’s about all forms of intellectual property
and that impedes newcomers and latecomers in particular to get into
the value chain so it’s one of the reasons why africa has so many difficulties getting into transformative
processes because the intellectual property is being abused of course you know this has also
implications on climate because uh if if you look into the
multi-dimensional climate vulnerability indexes you’ll realize that
most of what africa needs in terms of compensation for its transformation is
about using technology and it’s about getting access to technology
and if we you have these impediments relating to intellectual property it’s going to be very difficult uh
uh to to do and you know the contrast and the asymmetry are quite
starking yet the moving into more positive note
the future of europe and the future of africa are intertwined one good example
i don’t have time to elaborate more but maybe in the q a will do so one example is that you
cannot do an energy transition in europe without green hydrogen and if you look into the
green nitrogen potential you know africa by far exceeds every
other region so europe cannot do it without africa
and the question then would be are we going to witness
with the green hydrogen but also with critical and strategic minerals another way of
commodity dependence this time to deal with the just transition as it is
classified of others but not of africa so isolating africa further
and allowing others to do their transition their climate transition or are we going to see this as an
opportunity to change the dynamics and change the partnership and that’s precisely what i think
is necessary to do and that cannot be done without decolonizing the mindset
and one good illustration of what is needed is to stop this proliferation of
initiatives about africa i mean there are 36 initiatives about africa that
have been put together by europe since uh 1970.
only five of them have been done jointly with africa five out of 36.
and you know you can see you know every decade instead of diminishing the number of initiatives it keeps accumulating and
increasing so everybody has an initiative on africa right and this these are initiatives
that europeans have put together in different areas and i excluded from this
this graph the trade related agreements
but if you look into the trade related agreements again you have a partition of africa you have huge number
of agreements that basically undermine the
the 36. so the 36 cannot work because you know the reality is not
whatever initiatives are put together the reality is the trade agreements and the trade agreements partition africa
completely and make a case for africa to go into a continental free trade area but it
becomes very difficult to implement it without you know a complete change in relations
with our number one trading partner and our number one trading partner is europe
if we take the the block uh as as one
and yet the latest most ambitious initiative of europe the global gateway
which is supposed to bring to africa 150 billion euro it’s a complete joke
first because in the budget itself for the same period of time what is in the
in the european commission budget is 33 billion not 150. so where is the rest
going to come from it’s supposed to come from a combination of different bilateral programs and a
lot of ifs that basically the european commission
or nobody controls and at the end of the day there is absolutely nothing
if you compare with the current figures that compile all oda coming from europe
to africa there is nothing really additional so why why is this trumpet as very
important because there is this obsession with with china that this is a way of saying that we do
better than china china is problematic etc now look into what
the china trade with the world looks like you know at the top
you have the year 2000 and between just the two most important
economies which one had the most influence in trade with each and every
country in the world you can see that united states dominated completely and then you just move into 2020 and the
picture changes completely and this is from the economist this is not from me
so uh what what does this tell you they tell you that you know it’s not an african issue
it’s a global trend so if you want to deal with this issue don’t isolate africa and try to deal as
if it was an african problem because even in europe there are lots of countries that have
china as their number one trading partner so unless we change really
the configuration of the discussion we continue to debate the wrong things
and i believe that most of the reasons associated with this continuous
use of old frame for the relationship between africa and europe is due to a colonial mindset that
is still present that we need to fight what is the colonial mindset
in in practical terms is basically stigma associated with comfort
and that’s what we need to fight thank you [Applause]
thank you that was excellent and [Music] you stayed within the same wavelength as
many of our events you’re playing speaking and especially about the the most recent
eu initiative um i i i share i share your assessment
um i’m just going to ask a few questions from carlos uh uh perhaps more briefly than usual because we have
a large uh audience also also online um but carlos
in your interactions with the eu did you see any
nuances to this this general picture of african interaction with european institutions
um obviously that that there are some differences at the level of specific member states uh specific
themes how would you and very briefly sort of see that like what to me there’s the perception that
for instance eastern european countries don’t really care about uh relations with africa and that the countries that
where the former colonial powers are still dominant in defining eu relations with africa what would you say to that
yes there are nuances and i think it’s also very important here maybe i didn’t mention enough in the
presentation initial presentation that the self-deceit works also with the
african leaders so it’s both ways and the colonial mentality
also leads the african negotiators and african leaders to have
positions that are also based on stigma and comfort stigma they accept indirectly
and comfort why because they they are fighting for visibility they are fighting for
appearing in the picture and you know amongst the various african leaders you will have like a competition
to to be the one that is invited by the europeans for meeting acts and initiative zed
so you have that and and i believe that this is more pronounced
when the initiators are formal uh colonial powers
so if you know let’s say this initiative is from the president of
france you have like a rush by african leaders to be part of the
podium or or or countries that have some influence
beyond beyond europe like for instance germany for
sure and you are right you know the eastern european countries have a slightly
different position more distant more concerned about migration so a lot
of the migration debates are influenced by the need for consensus that brings along
very radical positions from eastern european countries
your point about the centrality of commodities for africa eu trade is
absolutely indisputable that’s what the data shows us has the advent of new trade
relationships between for instance africa and say brazil or china or india has it has it changed
that because the rhetoric of these new relations is often uh transformational and often
rhetorically these countries try to position themselves as very different from the old colonial relations with
europe how does it work in practice i think the new actors in
yeah exactly but relatively to the colonial powers or the more historical uh
length of the european uh engagement
are certainly very pragmatic and they use politically these type of
arguments to get away with something that not necessarily is that transformative
which is the use of commodities as well for their own development as well not
very different from the the previous sort of approach
but they have one advantage is that they have seized the the absolute need for africa to
improve its infrastructure and they have been extremely smart in dealing with that
that deficit i’m going just to illustrate very briefly how
typically it works so let’s say you have a company from china that is specialized on
building uh large
construction projects they will come with a subsidy from their government
to build something that is funded with chinese money they establish the capacity in the
country then they will remain in the country and they will bid
for other projects that are funded by other institutions can be the world bank
the african development bank or the government because they have the advantage of having already installed capacity in the
country and they are very flexible in the way they adjust to the market
needs and of course they beat the competition because they offer the best prices
so when you and it’s very visible so when you see
a chinese billboard in any construction site you think that
is chinese money and you will say the chinese are building x or y when in fact most of the times is paid
by the government or paid by international financial institutions not by china but it appears
as chinese so i think this this is a smart way of dealing with
the deficit and the business the requirements and now they are being
imitated by turkish they are being imitated by other
entrants in the market of construction so what is regrettable is that you know the
europeans have frame from being involved with infrastructure for almost two
decades so they have now a huge distance from what the market dynamics
have become so one thing in comparison to a generation
ago there’s no doubt that africa’s international relations african trade relations are much more diversified even
if europe is still as you said the most important trading partner it now shares the stage with many uh trading partners
which were barely present in in africa uh 20 years ago
why is it that africa is not using that leverage
to change the relationship with the european union because what we saw
specifically the eu summit it could have taken place 15 years ago it was a very familiar as i said earlier disappointing
outcome i guess the question is on an african on the african side what are the collective
action problems that have uh prevented african 40 plus
states from acting more decisively in changing this relationship in their favor
i think the the african union has tried hard to stop
the steamrolling of a certain number of initiatives and ideas
if you if you look into examples like for instance just before the current initiatives that have been
announced uh by the president of the european commission
uh three days before the summer one week before the summit the global gateway was announced
one week before the summit not discussed with the africans is always
presented as a response to the demand as if the africans want more
so this this this self-deceit where africans are put in a position to beg
for charity or back for development aid and then the the europeans can justify
that you know we are responding we are responding to a demand is not completely untrue and it’s not
untrue because in africa there is exactly the same syndrome
of mercator as in europe what you what you will have typically
is that the presidents of africa that don’t have a very solid legitimacy
domestically love to have a legitimacy that is
translated into international presence international
recognition international visibility so you can play with that very easily
so it serves both interests african leaders and established interests in europe and
that’s why it is so difficult to to
to change and the negotiators normally are very conscious of what needs to be changed
but they are technicians they are technocrats they don’t have the same political understanding uh
as the the presidents in terms of engagements with their counterparts
and i have seen over and over as a negotiator the right outcome being discussed
and then you know two phone calls for two or three presidents and everything changes so one one final question before we open
the floor to questions from the audience i think correct me if i’m wrong but partly par part of the assumption of
your presentation is that this relationship is flawed even dysfunctional but is a very
important relationship i wanted to ask you a more tongue-in-cheek
more provocative question which is whether part of this relationship going forward
for it to improve whether it doesn’t need whether there shouldn’t be less of it
in other words whether for africa it’s somewhat and at least in part a dilution
of this relationship through diversification and i’m thinking this from um the african perspective but also
for instance as you’re well aware in the french debate a lot of businessmen in france now want
to go to kenya south africa nigeria they want to escape
francophone africa they want to escape the colonial burden they want to they want to be normal investors in a place
where they don’t come with this baggage and i as we can see from mali from the central
african republic there it’s at least some african countries that have that francophone background who also want to
see rather less of france than they have since 1960. uh what do you think of that
solution through through dilution i think i think the public opinion in africa is fed up with the current state
of affairs and i would venture to say most of the public opinion in europe
recognizes that this is not working maybe not with the same figure
in africa you can find it even in the streets in europe not because it’s it’s it’s a
relatively marginal discussion in relation to other issues that are you know center stage but i think there is a
lot of insatisfaction even in europe and you can feel it
but there is sort of an inertia that has been established which is what you are alluding to
that we need to uh basically arrest and how can that be
you know if you look into the african exports structure
you have 35 african countries with 80 percent or more dependency on commodities
this is by far in any part of the world the worst
consolidation of dependency in one particular sector
and i think the only the only way we can escape that is by making sure that you make the case
you you you make the business case that afflict is a very good investment opportunity
first for the domestic savings of the africans because you know we have very unproductive use
of the savings of the continent itself if you go into pension funds
you have about one trillion dollars of money poorly invested uh if you go into the
commercial banks in africa you can easily mobilize an additional 80 billion dollars
of uh productive investment that are basically there you know without
unproductively uh unused and so on so first the domestic
but then also the opportunities for the investors abroad and what is fascinating
is to see that you know if you are from india if you are from uh united arab
emirates if you are from uh malaysia or if you are from china
you think it’s a very good bet to invest in africa so they are coming more and more
they have been for the last decade or so the prime investors in the continent
europe continues to have the largest stock of investment but is eroding fast
and most of what it invests like for instance france is the top investor
from the from the european side in the continent it’s mostly in fossil fuels
so it’s sort of the past not the future um and and i think yes
there is a there is a realization that maybe uh africa
is is ready and mature for a different type of relationship but let’s see how
it pans out i’m very encouraged for instance with the developments during the last year it
was a pandemic here africa had a record investment uh
for you know the last decade or so we have never seen as much
and what is interesting is that a lot of it was going to startups and tech
intensive opportunities we had seven unicorns that were
raised out of the pandemic during the pandemic e-commerce is spreading like fire so these are the indications that
something is changing thank you thank you carlos and we’re going to open the floor to questions if
you could introduce yourself while you pose your when you pose your question and please keep it brief so
that i see already about eight questions in the audience and no doubt we have online questions as well so keep it as
brief as possible and sort of we’ll start with this gentleman here
thank you very much my name is sonny iroche i’m currently a senior academic
visitor to the african studies center i’ve lived
everything you’ve talked about my background is investment banking between nigeria and the united states
i was also one time the executive director of finance and accounts for the power company in nigeria
there is a project in drc congo called inga power
inga power started in 1968. it’s supposed to ramp up generation of
power from 500 to 42 000 megawatts of power
that has not been achieved nigeria has a project called mandila
that was conceived in 1982 it’s going to cost about 6.9 billion
it hasn’t taken off till today so the problem of africa is not europe
is the total failure of leadership you said with a phone call techno class
will prepare paper with a phone call between two presidents all that changes
you see if you have presidents who know what president is supposed to do
what your job is supposed to be then you don’t change what the
technocrats have told you i don’t understand another lecture but
nigeria and most african countries became independent in 1960 when liquiu became
the president of singapore at the same development base
where singapore today where are the african countries we talk about
colonialism it’s what happened to kodak
kodak refused to rebrand everybody has a camera here now
so if africa does not rebrand we shouldn’t blame europe which don’t blame china china did not put gun to
anyone’s head i was negotiating loans for the nigerian power sector and i looked at the negative the chinese
i think thank you thank you very much um let’s take two more and then pass it on
holly here and then next three questions and then
uh thanks so much thanks so much for the fascinating speech my name is hallelujah i’m from ethiopia
i’m a phd student studying under professor ricardo uh two quick questions the first one is i feel like i’m i used
to work for the iss and i just followed the african union you know 10 15 years ago there was a lot
of enthusiasm uh to to create shared platforms and to articulate uh
common positions uh back then in a way it could be at the in the form of
an articulate leader of an individual states uh or
the states um individual states with strong parties uh or stronghold infrastructure uh or it
could be uh through you know the um shared initiatives like nepad uh or pita
some of the initiatives like the coordination between the afghan development bank the eca and the afghan
union do you see a decline in interest to come together you know uh as a continent
in the past decade in articulating you know the the mercator syndrome or all the challenges that you’ve articulated
as a continent that’s the first one the second one my question is regarding the
the difficulties of late industrialization uh you’ve closely witnessed the
challenges faced by ethiopia one of you know the examples of uh you know the
african states who tried to lead uh stately industrialization uh how do you
assess where it says and how to explain it thank you thank you
hi yes thank you so much for the talk um my name is alicia leonard i’m a researcher on the climate compatible
growth program here at the university um and i’m an electrical engineer by background so a lot of the stuff you
were talking about in terms of energy was particularly interesting to me especially as i work in renewable energy
and in low and middle income countries in terms of renewable energy developments to facilitate economic growth
and uh there’s a lot of talk about new resource curses emerging in terms of hydro development green hydro
development green hydrogen development as well and you can see it in places like morocco that have large solar potential the
um these eu african country relationships becoming
extractive in the same way as they may have been in the past so as someone involved in these kind of uh technical
discussions around energy on the continent and how that can be exported for economic benefit uh what would you see as ways forward
that don’t replicate that extractive you know resource curse potential thank you thank you
um as i as i said earlier you can choose some of the comments
questions make me comments and we have many other questions so i’ll be brief the first point that i want to make is
that when we when we mentioned the need for decolonizing the relations
is to take out the mercator syndrome from the minds is to change the mindset that is valid also
for the african leaders so it’s both ways it’s not there is no self-deceit only in one side it’s both
so uh we we need europeans to engage africa differently and for that they need to understand
that some of the mindset for instance we can go all the way to
how the rating agencies behave in africa the rating agencies have
a complete different set of
behaviors in in africa than they have elsewhere that has nothing to do with the leadership positions in africa that has
to do with the stigma that is translated into the way you evaluate risk
so you will you know in this case i can even compare a
country like argentina that has defaulted three times uh with a country like ghana that has
never defaulted they have the same classification by the rating agencies should not be
so that’s part of the stigma that is outside africa you know you have to confront that sort of
comfort zone has to change but in africa the same you know you have leaders that behave
exactly the same way as the colonial administration created a
subset of categories where you had citizens and subjects so you co-opted part of the elite
but you you treated the rest of the population as subjects once independent a lot of these countries do the same
so the elites behave in relation to their externalities and the economy reflects that
and you know and the rest of the people they treat like subjects so it’s also
coming from the colonial times so you have both both sides and i think the african union
is a very uh intensive uh political project so i was involved in many ways
in in the reform processes that the african union has been engaging over the last 10
years and i can say that there is a lot of hope in a number of fronts one of them is the
continental free trade area which is an attempt to deal with that division
of of africa in different trade agreements we have 13 different trade agreements
with europe you know what what that means that means that africa is not recognized
as one continent trade partner if it was recognized as one continent trade partner it will be
the third largest trading partner of europe only after the us and china ahead of
japan look at the bargaining position that africa would have been
capable of mastering but no it’s completely divided 13 agreements it’s completely
useless in terms of you know trying to bring these different streams of arrangements
into one and that’s exactly what we’re engaged in so it’s it’s a construct it’s going to take time and it’s not
going to be easy and i think the battle of the future is energy that is that is going to define
energy and strategic minerals or critical and strategic minerals is going
to define whether we have an a new wave of extractive behavior
or we are going finally to have value addition and a change of how africa engages with the rest of the
world and you know my fear is that in that battle
the europeans may be more hesitant than other partners
and that will be tragic and it will be tragic in many ways it will be tragic for the climate
because it will represent more emissions if we do uh export most of these minerals and
potential etc abroad it will be tragic because you know a lot
of the environmental stress that we are suffering is going to produce
more pressures on migration and that is seen from the european side as a security
problem but from an african side is seen as losing human capital
and human capital is extremely important because these are the most entrepreneurial the most determined
people the ones that migrate right and then it is tragic also from the
fundamental need for us to change the relationship um another round of questions here
in the back it’s a question
we have 10 minutes left so it would be great to do two rounds of questions still so if you can be super super
concise so my name is sasha my background is in international
relations i just finished my masters not long ago my question was about like the maintenance of neo-colonial elites as
presidents because i also don’t believe that people are just inherently not wanting to lead it’s about who has
assisted in installing them for the purpose of not leading properly um so things like installations of the us army
funding oppositions or incumbents by for example the usa or nato countries
i was just wondering if you have any comments on how it can look like to divest from this problem
thank you um is there an online question that we should yeah
so um iop has asked what’s your view on the frank zone cfa
in central and western africa it’s drastic impact on african countries and the rhetoric of afc
fta how can the 15 african countries meaningfully shape their social economic
development without monetary sovereignty thank you and the third question may be here this gentleman here your friend
thank you my name is shan sedin siddi baba i’m from morocco i’m an electrical engineering we have
parents visiting parents here to my daughter and i’ve been traveling throughout
africa for many years and despite all the problems colonialism
um the mentality of slavery that stays in our minds
uh there is something that i see that i was in kenya and i was talking about
renewable energies and i see that africa
today has the water has the land has the sun
has the winds has the natural resources and very important
young population so beyond all these problems political
problems and regional conflict coup d’etat and corrupt government
i think africa will hold the future of humanity in 50 years from
now thank you thank you thank you thank you very much and there’s a question
over there the lady over there i’m sorry
hello everybody my name is odera i’m an mfil student in development studies here and i do have two questions so the first
thing is um based on the presentation the way you presented africa was very
monolithic just for the virtue of the presentation but the sort of relationship that maybe the british
former colonies have to that you know colonizer is very very different from the french relationship is also very
different from portuguese relationship so based on those sort of ties how exactly
would you now conceive of solutions to decolonize the europe-africa relations
and then the second question just piggybacking off what you said um is the idea that it’s not that africans want
this relationship with europe is that the african leaders who are in you know these
positions of power are the ones who are sort of arguing for these relationships so how
exactly would you sort of argue for like a changing situation for
those who are occupying leadership positions especially because there’s not that much avenues for youth in africa to
occupy like leadership spaces thank you and i think we’re going to if you yeah
we are going to yes no
i think well first of all we keep going back to this issue about
the use of colonial which is very important because it’s
to denounce a certain mindset right uh we don’t have time to unbundle
all the dimensions of it which is extremely important but for that you will have to wait for the book
that i’m writing uh but you know i think it is very true
that there are a lot of layers and nuances in different types of engagements for
instance uh it is very important to bear in mind that we have different types of colonial
relationships post independence that remain but in general what we should capture is
that the same way renaissance was a defining sort of moment
for the political culture of europe colonialism was the equivalent defining
moment for africa it doesn’t mean that you know you should
pass any judgment in terms of whether it was good or bad it’s not it’s not it’s not that type of
discussion it’s more the the importance it has in defining
a number of layers of complexity and there is a very interesting political
scientist uh from nigeria peter you know
frame of this discussion by saying basically you you had two two
publics you know in africa after the intervention of the colonial times
of the colonial uh period you have the public
that continues to claim sort of the autonomous indigenous
thinking and you have the public that wants to please the external and wants
to be integrated in the global and you know and the marriage of these two publics is extremely difficult and
that’s what is reflected in some of the behavior of uh of our leaders
uh we have leaders that are more transformative than others i like very much to classify the african leaders in
very simple typology you have the reference and you have the red seekers and normally the rent seekers are very
much you know adjusted to dealing with economic
dimensions of the country from the point of view of externalities and and this marries very well with what
is recommended as policy from outside players it’s about externalities
whereas the referees are the ones that are interested in changing the reality
of the country itself and this is a structural type of change
that is required economists will call it structural transformation
and that requires a completely different set of priorities and policies and we have been having this sort of
tension between these two and i would argue of late we had a bit of an evolution there is no more denial
of the need for structural transformation as it used to be the case but before
there is no denial of need of industrialization the issue is how do you do it as a latecomer have you missed
your chance are we having the phenomena called premature industrialization
is it too late and now we should move into services or can we do in the industrial
development without the smokestacks so you have all these debates that are populating
the uh the policy space and i think they are very important because we cannot do things as before
no successful industrialization process has taken place
without some knowledge of what others did before and without innovation moving forward so you need
both and i think in that african level advantage that has been mentioned here
which is the advantage that we have a young population when you have a young population you have associated with it
normally two things that are not being valued enough one
is that the more tech intensive the products the more appealing they are to
younger people so you have the innovation and intellectual property locked most of the value away let’s say
from africa because most of that intellectual property is not registered enough the number of patents registered
in africa is the lowest in the world but on the other hand you have the consumer market that is more appealing
to the young that it is appealing to the old with the aging of the population taking
place so fast in other parts of the world it’s obvious that africa has an advantage
and it’s part of the future but this doesn’t mean that we have sorted the leadership
issues which is basically what these questions are gravitating around the
leadership issues are going to be a contested terrain and
you know it’s not just about coups it’s about let’s look into the deeper reasons
behind the course thailand has had 10 course but it has
developed them and grown quite extensively during that period of the
course so it’s not just the course it’s it’s the whole uh the
complex dimensions that are behind the political structures thank you carlos and um
to those in the physical audience here at oxford uh we’re going to wrap up the event now but you’ll be able to talk to
carlos and to uh get some some answers to perhaps some of the questions that weren’t uh fully fully tackled uh
carlos thanks so much it’s been a real pleasure not just this event it’s it’s it’s it’s excellent but having you here
at oxford having conversations with you and seeing your your book grow
and we look forward to seeing his publication next year so please join me in thanking carlos
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