Falantes de Português e Inglês: Candidaturas abertas

Mensagem de Anabela Rato, da Universidade de Toronto
Gostaria de vos pedir, por favor, ajuda na divulgação da mensagem abaixo que está relacionada com um estudo sobre aquisição do português como língua de herança. Agradeço ampla divulgação e convido-vos também a participar.
Muito obrigada.


We are currently recruiting bilingual English-Portuguese speakers to participate in a research study on speech acquisition. Participation will include: two production tasks, two listening tasks, and a questionnaire.

To participate, you must:

1) Be an English-Portuguese speaker born in Toronto to Portuguese-speaking parents or moved from Portugal until the age of 3;

2) Have been exposed to European Portuguese at home since birth;

3) Have never lived in a Portuguese-speaking country for more than 3 months.

Testing takes place from January to March 2020 in room 326 Carr Hall, and it requires approximately 60 minutes.

Participants will receive 15$.

If you meet the above criteria and are interested in participating, please write to anabela.rato@utoronto.ca to book an appointment.

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